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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Beaten by a two year old! {Children's Photographer Melbourne}

Not long ago a photographed the gorgeous little Zac and his two year old brother James. Poor James hated the sight of my camera so we didn't get too many smiles on the day nor did we get a family shot of the four of them (we had to settle on a family of three!) Amanda and Drew decided they would like me to try again for another session as we thought perhaps James might be used to me etc. Well - yep I admit it - I have been defeated in this case! Normally kids love me but in poor James case he really really hates cameras. I was glad to hear that it wasn't just me and my camera - it's actually any camera pointed in the direction of him!) At least we got a photo of the whole family this time and of course some more gorgeous shots of beautiful little Zac. {Amanda & Drew - thanks for having me over for another try - Please give me a call when James overcomes his camera phobia and I'II definitely give it another go - maybe third time lucky?}

Love Love this one - A gorgeous quiet moment!


Anonymous March 5, 2009 at 11:58 PM  

He is adorable!!! I adore his hair and big brown eyes. Great session Louise!

Natalie March 6, 2009 at 6:44 AM  

you did a fantastic job with this session, even if you had one camera shy little toddler lol. You captured a lovely family shot too!

Anonymous March 7, 2009 at 7:50 PM  

Awww what a cutie! Great shots!

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