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Saturday, February 7, 2009

{My Cheeky Monkey} - Children's Photography Melbourne

Obviously the heat in Melbourne had made my middle child Cooper crazy today - as soon as the cool change came he was outside naked running around with the hose (tank water of course!). Next minute - here he is making a mud puddle and lovin it! So hard to get angry with this one - he has such a cheeky but adorable personality!LOL

Also last week I took the boys to Hawkestowe Park as I am having a session there very soon. Took a few shots of my willing model - can't you just see in the photos his fake cheesy grin - look like he his saying to me take the photo mum - get it over with!lol


Jenny Goddard February 24, 2009 at 5:46 PM  

O.M.G!!!! But what fun! Great shots and such a cheeky little personality!

Anonymous February 25, 2009 at 12:56 PM  

Awwwww how much fun does he look like he is having???? very cool!

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